Tool Bar REGAL Signature Blue

Tool Bar REGAL Signature Blue Tool Bar REGAL Signature Blue
Buy: Tool Bar REGAL Signature Blue
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Code: REG-77-TBAR_SB Unit price: 74,9 EUR Stock: Shipping: 2 wks -+

Signature Blue color variant of a really practical accessory for REGAL vises that holds your most used tying tools that you want to have at hand all the time and don't want to search for them all over your tying bench!

When you're focused on tying a fly, it's so easy to lose track of your tying tools, which is why REGAL has come up with a simple but very useful solution!

After many conversations with professional tyers, REGAL has developed this practical tool. It's perfect for holding small scissors, tweezers, needles and other common tying tools that can be easily interchanged when you're focused on tying flies.

In addition to this colored tying tool holder, you can also buy another color option that will perfectly match the head of your particular tying vise!

Producer: REGAL Vise
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