Head Cement Cellire Varnish Veniard | CzechNymph.com

Head Cement Cellire Varnish Veniard

Head Cement Cellire Varnish Veniard Head Cement Cellire Varnish Veniard Extra Clear
Buy: Head Cement Cellire Varnish Veniard
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Code: VCV_NO1 Type: Extra Clear Unit price: 3,3 EUR Stock: Shipping: unavailable -+

Excellent extra clear varnish - head cement to create shiny and glossy heads of artificia flies! It can also serve as a varnish that fixes the individual steps in fly tying an artificial fly.

In short, a very versatile high-quality tying varnish, available in a 15 ml vial, from which you can apply by a thin dubbing needle on the artificial fly!

Producer: Veniard
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