>Home>Fly Fishing>Flies>Squirmy Wormy>Squirmy Wormy Gold Head Bloodworm Jig

Squirmy Wormy Gold Head Bloodworm Jig

Squirmy Wormy Gold Head Bloodworm Jig Squirmy Wormy Gold Head Bloodworm Jig, Size 12
Buy: Squirmy Wormy Gold Head Bloodworm Jig
Code Size Unit price Stock Shipping Quantity
Code: GBW_14 Size: 14 Unit price: 1,5 EUR Stock: 8 pcs Shipping: promptly -+
Code: GBW_12 Size: 12 Unit price: 1,5 EUR Stock: Shipping: unavailable -+

Basic essential Squirmy Wormy pattern for fly fishing for river and stillwater brown and rainbow trout, brook trout and grayling. Extremely effective for coarse fish - chub, dace, roach, barbel and perch as well. Great "fly" for bream and carp from slow-flowing rivers or muddy ponds with the occurrence of bloodworms.

In short, the universal Squirmy Wormy bestseller with a golden tungsten head and a Bloodworm colored body.

Producer: Czech Nymph
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