23rd Slovenian Open fly tying contest 2010 | CzechNymph.com
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23rd Slovenian Open fly tying contest 2010
HomeArticlesFly Tying23rd Slovenian Open fly tying contest 2010

23rd Slovenian Open fly tying contest 2010

Category: Fly Tying | Author: Sasa Erlih

In 2010 the highest award goes to Georg Christel, Germany...

Winning patterns after the verification of the results (photo: L. Hojnik)

Flyfishing section of the Slovenian Fishing Association (SFA or in Slovene RZS - Ribiska Zveza Slovenije) traditionally organized 23rd annual Slovenian open fly tying competition, serving also as 12th National fly tying competition. We are glad to announce that we received 83 samples for this year's fly-tying contest, submitted by tiers from 11 countries. We rejoice that the number of artificial flies received from year to year is growing, and most importantly, the numbers of tiers and the quality of international competition raises.

On the other hand, the falling numbers of Slovenian tiers participating in the contest that constituted the majority of tiers for years is something we should strive to improve upon. The primacy of international tiers from our neighboring and more distant countries has been taken over, with patterns of foreign tiers representing major share of the contest. However, we can be proud of the fact that Slovenian tiers in such fierce competition succeeded and demonstrated their knowledge, also ranked high in classification. Slovenian tiers took the first and second place in one of the categories and two third places at the Open Championship of Slovenia with a number of classifications just below the summit. Enviable quality of their artificial flies was presented by tiers from Germany, as they took overall win of the Slovenian Open and also earning the title by winning in category of realistic patterns. German tiers have taken another first place in category of artificial nymphs & wets (larvae). Great patterns represented the group of already known and established tiers from area of our former common state (Yugoslavia), with some of them deserving all praises at all standards.

It seems appropriate to mention all countries whose representatives participated in this year's contest, in alphabetical order they are: Bosnia and Herzegovina, Canada, Croatia, France, Germany, Italy, Kosovo, Serbia, Slovenia, Spain and the United States. In years to come, we will strive to make a step forward in promoting our fly-tying competition in the countries of Nordic that in the world of fly fishing represent a huge potential in the making of artificial flies and fly fishing - in this context a warm welcome to all tiers from Nordic for next year’s competition.

"Psyho Hydraopsychidale" by Adrijana Šustar, Slovenia

The jury members are taking this opportunity to thank all participants for all the efforts and trust shown, which is essential for maintaining high level of competition and to praise the Slovenian fly-tying tradition.

We are pleased that the contest is reaching international level, which is probably due to opening our community in web space, basically blurring the boundaries between people of similar interests. I guess we all, as fly fishers, agree that real life communication takes place in a pleasant chat at the water. If friendship is true, this 'communication' which is taking places without a word blend in intersection between air and water. It’s this border, which may be as sharp as a razor or just broken as only water can be where fish is the only judge of our deeds. Our work as the jury is no less demanding, but criteria for assessment are of a different nature.

This year has seen changes in our jury, as new members from all parts of Slovenia have gathered on the initiative of their friend, president of the fly tying section Luka Hojnik: Bostjan Podbevsek, Denis Obad and Sash Erlih. Thanks go to the previous jury: Tomaz Modic, Dusan Stih, Ivo Kajznik and Andrej Ferlan, who’s good work is a good companion for the beginning of our mandate. Work was conducted as pre-agreed, with numerically labeled envelopes at the premises of the Fishing Federation of Slovenia in Ljubljana. After completing the evaluation, we recalculated the total number of points for each pattern and ranked them. After a few days we have obtained formal results when numerical codes were associated with personal data of tiers. Following the decision of the newly formed jury, all authors of the competition deserve that all products should be well archived and published in the magazines internationally.

Second place in the nymphs category - "Bobo" by Vladimir Mikec

In the overall rankings won, with 374 points of 400, the pattern in the category of realistic flies, named ‘Maifliege’ (in translation Mayfly) authors Georg Christel from Germany before the second ranked pattern with the name ‘Tipule's Coupling’ (Daddy Longlegs in Act) from Hugues Silvain France in the same category, and the third-placed Dragonfly (dragonfly larvae, Odonata) by Alfons Schefhold, also from Germany.

The jury at this point recalls the repeated irregularities in submitted flies - please note two flies should be sent for the contest and is a major reason behind unrated flies (5 artificial flies). Following by the pre-categorization and thus avoiding duplication of products from the same author in each category, so we were forced to disqualify the lower rated pattern.

In ranks of National Championships we want to congratulate all new and multiple winners, as well as those who have remained close to the podium. In the category of streamers as well as in the Slovenian Open championship a young fly tier Simon Urbas from Logatec, Slovenia succeed to take the win, with his "Mystic Muddler". We sincerely congratulate him for that achievement.

Congratulations also go to master fly tier Vladimir Mikec - Miki from Vrhnika, Slovenia, for the second and third place in the Open Championship of Slovenia, which at the level of national competition produced highest place in two categories (nymphs and realistic flies). This year Tina Possnig, proved her skills again, by taking first place in the national championship in category of dry flies, which sufficed for final third in scoring of the Open Championship.

This year's awards ceremony and prizes for participants at the end of the competition will be held on Saturday 22nd May at hotel ‘Zlata ribica’ in Idrija ob Baci (http://www.ribica.si) at 10 am. The winners of both competitions will be informed of the event and following fishing in waters of the Tolmin fishing Club in time. The opportunity to fish on such rivers as Soča, Bača, Trebuščica and Idrijca raises the pulse of each fly fishing addict, so we sincerely hope you to respond to invitation for the award ceremony and wish you all a pleasant stay.

Presentation boards with flies of all participants will be on display at the premises of the hotel with award-winning flies finding their special place in cabinets where they will join the winning flies of past competitions.

With all respect we approach the work from the past. It’s on us, to forward ours knowledge so it won’t get lost and transfer it to generations of fly-tiers of the future. We look forward to meet you and hope for your participation at the 24th Slovenian Open Championship 2010.

Full competition's results are available at:  www.flyfish-slovenia.com.

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