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HomeArticlesProduct ReviewsTested: Newly from Hends – two fly rods in one
Tested: Newly from Hends – two fly rods in one
HomeArticlesProduct ReviewsTested: Newly from Hends – two fly rods in one

Tested: Newly from Hends – two fly rods in one

Category: Product Reviews | Author: Dan Svrček

The company Hends is introducing a new product to the market, the five-sectioned XP 9003 fly rod. The product tested and reviewed by Dan Svrcek.

Hends XP 9003 2 in 1 Fly Rod

The company Hends is introducing a new product to the market, the five-sectioned XP 9003 rod, which is sure to delight all fly fishers. I say “all” with certainty, because the rod’s technical parameters give new possibilities to both the weekend/holiday fly fisher as well as to professional and competition fishers.

The basis for the new possibilities this rod offers is the fifth section, serving as an extender. Simply put, in its basic form with four sections the XP 9003 is 2.75 meters long, but by adding the extender between the third and fourth sections we get a 3.10 meter long rod.

This extender has no rod eyes, so adding or removing it is extremely easy, and can be done right in the middle of fishing even if the rod is threaded with line or leader. This means that the rod can quickly and simply be shortened or lengthened at will.

The rod is built to impress, with a quality lacquered finish, plus well-chosen eyes that are sized right for the rod and appropriate for both French leaders and fly line. The weight of the rod is also attractive, weighing in at only 87 grams including the extender. Another priceless feature is that each section is marked to indicate its correct position, so the rod can easily be assembled, saving time and unnecessary manipulation.

While fishing with this rod, you will certainly appreciate its characteristics – in the shorter 2.75 m form it is slightly stiffer, making it pleasant for nymph and wet fly fishing, but also delicate for fishing dry flies. By adding the extender, the rod becomes softer at the tip, which those fishing barbless will certainly appreciate. Manipulation with the extender is simple, since its 40 cm length lets you easily slip it into a vest back pocket or a backpack.

In summary, the XP 9003 with extender is the ideal rod for all types of fly fishing. It lets you react to changes in the water profile as well as when encountering stretches overgrown with vegetation. Just throw another reel or spool with dry fly line into your vest, and head to the water with just one rod! Competition fishers will certainly appreciate the savings in wading by not having to run for another rod – simply add or remove the extender as needed.

In conclusion, I can only recommend trying the XP 9003, which will bring a whole new dimension to your fly fishing. It is an ideal travel rod, and a quality travel tube is included in the price. And you will also certainly gain more relaxation at the water, without the stress of worrying about your second rod being stolen from the shore or car, because you will have left it at home!

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