When I recently came to the CzechNymph store, I noticed new rods from the PRIMAL brand. I immediately chose one of them, took it, assembled it, tried to swing it "dry" and it was clear! The chosen one was the nymphing special Primal Zone 2100-4.

I liked this rod from the first moment because of its fast action and the fact that the tip did not come back. This is important to me because I like to fish small flies with small 2.5 mm and 3.0 mm tungsten heads. I took the opportunity and took him to the Vltava river for a test, where I had the opportunity to fish with the Americans before the Masters Fly Fishing World Championship and explain to them how it is fished in our country. The Americans also told me and showed me what they were fishing for. It was interesting because they use a lot of Perdigons and MOP flies of all kinds. Every American had a box full of MOPs from sizes 16 to 12, and they weren't afraid to use patterns that were 6 cm.
As the first part of the training, we chose the Devil's Stones from Loučovice down stream. It is a beautiful nature with large stones and flowing water where fishing is very dangerous. Just take one wrong step and suddenly you are between rocks and in a deep pool. On the Devil's Stones it is important to fish under every rock, as trout like to go under rocks and wait for food to swim by. For this water it's great to use the larger size 14 flies. The best for me was a plain Orange Tag with a 3.5 mm silver head. I'm used to only using one nymph on the Devil's Stones because there are sharp rocks and branches everywhere in the water.
The Primal rod surprised me on this water with its accuracy and, above all, its durability. I accidentally swung the rod into rocks and branches a few times and nothing happened to it.
The next training was in Rožmberk nad Vltavou, where a large number of rainbow and brown trout were stocked. Catching was difficult because a lot of other teams that were training there passed before us. Luckily we caught some fish. Fishing near the river bank and using a Copperhead Pheasant Tail Nymph and a Pink Head Ping Tag has worked great. Both sizes were size 14 with 3.0mm headers. The rod also passed the big fish test when we caught a lot of 40 cm fish, which it handled with ease. Thanks to the finesse of the rod, I could also use a weaker tippet with a diameter of 0.104 mm from the Hanák Competition company for such large fish.
For the last training session, we went to Zátoň, where we tried to catch chub and other coarse fish. I was wondering how the rod would handle small flies and 0.08 mm tippet. I have to say, great. There was no problem getting the fish, which were about 30 cm, out of the water. I could feel every fly contact on the rod when using two 2.5mm balls. The best flies for chub were Orange Tag with a pink head and Red Tag with a silver head.
I was pleasantly pleased with the rod and I can only recommend it. Great for nymphing, its length allows you to nymph further apart. The rod is quite durable and it is not a problem to pull even big fish on it. For me, the price/performance ratio is probably the most important, when you pay around 400 E for this rod and it can easily be equal to most expensive fly rods from other brands, where rods from these cost 200 E more. I highly recommend this rod.
I wish everyone tight lines and lots of great experiences on the water, whether with this rod or others.