Where to Fly Fish in North-East Bohemia (Czech Republic)? | CzechNymph.com
HomeArticlesDestinationsWhere to Fly Fish in North-East Bohemia (Czech Republic)?
Where to Fly Fish in North-East Bohemia (Czech Republic)?
HomeArticlesDestinationsWhere to Fly Fish in North-East Bohemia (Czech Republic)?

Where to Fly Fish in North-East Bohemia (Czech Republic)?

Category: Fly Fishing Destinations | Author: Petr Axamit

Tips for fly fishing destinations in Nort Eash Bohemia (Czech Republic)

There are many rivers and lakes in the whole Czech Republic but not all of them are suitable for fly-fishing. The aim of this text is not to give you a complete list of them. But I would like to focus on the most interesting rivers and lakes in my area. We provide guiding service here for years and have the newest information on them.

Jizera: It is a big mountain river that has a typical light brown colour because of peat bogs around its spring. The river has never been regulated by any dam, especially in the upper canyon is very wild. A fast stream and big boulders complicates wading in these parts.

Labe: The area around Vrchlabi is quite popular among fly-fishers. The narrow valley between Spindleruv Mlyn and Vrchlabi offers fishing for wild trout. The bottom is mostly covered with pebbles or flat stones. More downstream it flows through the meadows and villages with a panorama of the Giant Mountains.

Metuje: A nice valley Peklo is upstream of Nove Mesto. The bottom is made of sandstone and sand. Don´t expect big trout and graylings there. Downstream of Nove Mesto it is a lowland river with non-salmonid regime.

Upa: A smaller trout and grayling river upstream of Trutnov. The river has typical red stone plate bed. Mainly it flows trough the villages. Downstream of Trutnov the river has non-salmonid regime.

Cerna Nisa Lake: A beautiful lake high in the mountains with brookies only. The only access is on foot.

Horska Kamenice: Near Zelezny Brod there is a wild and deep canyon where you usually fish alone. Most places have to be visited on foot only. Sometimes Kamenice can have a little bit less water in summer months.

Hrenská Kamenice: The lowest trout river in the Czech Republic, where salmons spawned in the past. A few years ago salmons were successfully restocked there. They have started returning again. The sandstone canyon upstream of Hrensko is closed for fishing.

Mohelka: A small wild brook south of Liberec flows through the woods and meadows in an unspoiled valley. Bushes and branches are always a challenge for you. Trout, graylings and seldom chubs are caught here.

Nisa: In the past it was rather polluted river, nowadays trout and grayling have returned there again. But we still don´t recommend to eat them. The best parts are downstream of Liberec up to German border.

Ohre: It was "Mecca" of fly-fishing in Czechia. A lot of fishermen taking fish with, cormorants and a poor stocking changed its reputation into a river where only a few strikes a day are quite common. So that parts downstream of Nechranice dam are not so crowded as before.

Ploucnice: Most parts have non-salmonid regime with chubs, perches and seldom trout or grayling. Around Mimon there was a closed military area in the past. The meandering river is really wild there. Also upstream of confluence with Labe there are nice parts.

Smeda: A little mountain river with a granite bed and less food sources. It flows mainly trough the villages. Downstream of Frydlant it is a meandering river in meadows with more species of fish.

The author offers guiding service on the above rivers. See more details via his website.



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