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Articles: The article about basic fly tying materials, which will help to everybody to create your own and most effective Squirmy Wormy patterns!
Articles: Our ambassador Sam took a closer look at last fall's tying season hot new, tied some of his favorite patterns from it, and ...
Articles: There is a remarkable range of sport fishing available in Scottish waters...
Articles: There are five main species which make up the group commonly known as 'game fish' in Scotland...
Articles: Traditional Scottish 'loch-style' fly-fishing, from free-drifting boats, has changed and continues to change with each passing season.
Articles: ‘The Land of the Long White Cloud’. This is trout fishing heaven. This is New Zealand.
Articles: Hans recommends techniques for fishing his Leadhead pattern.
Articles: Charles Jardine was privileged to watch a Czech Nymph master at work on the Derbyshire Derwent. Here's what he absorbed from an impromptu masterclass.
Articles: As with stillwater lures, river nymphs or dry and wet flies, there are also indispensable color variants for pike streamers, ...
Articles: I approached our CzechNymph ambassadors, which include both fly fishing competitors and normal "leisure" fly fishermen with ...
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