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Fario Cork Accessories Guideline

Fario Cork Accessories Guideline Fario Cork Accessories Guideline - Amadou Fly Dryer
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Buy: Fario Cork Accessories Guideline
Code Type Unit price Stock Shipping Quantity
Code: GL73066 Type: Amadou Fly Dryer Unit price: 26,9 EUR Stock: 2 pcs Shipping: promptly -+
Code: GL73067 Type: Leader Stretcher Unit price: 9,9 EUR Stock: 2 pcs Shipping: promptly -+

Collection of accessories from Italy. Highest quality and manufactured from an extremely tough cork material that also is being used for making shoes. Gives a smooth, luxury and unusual look to these original and good looking accessories.

Fario Cork Amadou Fly Dryer
This is a perfect way of getting new life into your soaked and sinking dry fly. Amadou is a natural material with very high absormation, just press and hold the wet fly between the two Amadou patches and it will get dry again.

Fario Cork Leader Stretcher
This is a leader stretcher with soft rubber inserts that gently gives you a straight tippet without hassle. This leader stretcher has insert of natural rubber from plants that is softer and a little sticky compared to standard stretchers. This material grip well in the leader so that it does not slip when you are straightening it. If the leader slips it will create friction and the result is a more curly leader due to the warmth from the friction.

Producer: Guideline
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